
A $12 Alternative to Ceramic from Zymol

A $12 Alternative to Ceramic from Zymol

EDITORS NOTE: If you’ve ever listened to Chuck Bennett, the owner-founder of the Zymol Wax Company, he’ll speak chapter and verse as to why the popular surface care treatment known as ceramic is really nothing more than snake oil. In fact, he’ll go so far as to warn people that, in the long run, ceramic is very likely to harm vehicle finishes rather than protect them. Truly a bold claim, considering how popular and seemingly well these ceramic coatings work. But, Zymol never introduced any ceramic coatings because of Chuck’s background in chemistry and science, he simply didn’t believe it was a beneficial product, and said it was all marketing sleight of hand.

So, working diligently behind the scenes, Zymol introduced their own variant of a super-hard protectant that was blended with natural ingredients called Zymol Atomic Graphene Shield. An enormously effective and futuristic product, customers were still calling for a ceramic coating from Zymol. So, Chuck hit the laboratory again and created Ceramid – a protectant very similar to what ceramic claims to be, but using a high number of natural ingredients, including ceramides, to provide protection against the elements. If the word ceramide sounds familiar, it’s likely from high school biology class where we learned ceramides make up about 50% of our skin and are the cell membrane of cells. A natural protectant. Interestingly, and refreshingly, Zymol says just give the vehicle a good wash, dry it up, and spray Ceramid onto the paint, let it stand for 30 seconds or so, wipe it off to a clear shine and that’s it. As simple as spray-on wax. And costing $12 for one bottle, how can it be beat? I’m looking forward to trying it out! Get yourself a bottle and let me know how it goes! Meanwhile, learn more below and use the link to visit the Ceramid page.

Exclusive New Series with Zymol

Zymol Introduces Ceramic-Competitive Protection

The World can Stop Waiting… Ceramid is Here! – Automotive Protection for Every Vehicle

Ceramic products have been hyped for the last decade and unfortunately the market is flooded with products that are only liquid polymers!?!

Laura Robinson, Head of Zymöl Product Development, said, “Our customers have asked us many times over to produce a competitive product to the Ceramic market and here it is, Zymöl Ceramid – Beyond Ceramic.”

Ceramid is the result of multi-generational formulas that exceed any current Ceramic products. Ceramid is lipid based and provides an easy to apply barrier to environmental paint damage. A simple car wash is all that is needed to prepare the car for a Ceramid application.

C. Bennett, Founder

Ceramid’s high density, self-bonding concentrate creates a renewable cell membrane of eukaryotic cells without hard work or intense buffing.

“If you’re one of those people who inspired Ceramid then you should be part of the next chapter of Zymöl,” says Robinson.

Very Exclusive Limited Time Offer

 As a limited time introductory 2023 GSM special, Ceramid is available for $12 for a single container and $19 for two containers.

CLICK HERE to get Ceramid

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