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Mecum’s inaugural Monterey Auction was held August 15, 2009. The newest auction to be held during the famous Monterey Car Week was a huge success. The 1965 Shelby Daytona Cobra […]
Mecum’s inaugural Monterey Auction was held August 15, 2009. The newest auction to be held during the famous Monterey Car Week was a huge success. The 1965 Shelby Daytona Cobra […]
We’re always on the lookout for interesting garages. If you’ve got a great garage, we want to know about it. You might have cool cabinets and an upgraded floor. All […]
Images by Author. Some things take time. Creighton’s garage for instance. The house was built in ’82 and it took until ’82 to get the garage started. That’s EIGHTEEN 82 […]
Like Volkswagens Have Proven, Less Can be More In New Jersey, a Volkswagen enthusiast has taken his knowledge of small cars, and adapted the wisdom to a small garage, making […]
After just a year and a half of work, (James) Cousens built and furnished a garage where everything inside gives the place a feeling it is 100 years old. The […]
Most garage lovers consider themselves lucky if they have at least a 500 square foot space to store a couple of cars. Anyone with twice that is considered very lucky. […]
Our own Rick Rader’s garage is spectacular for a two car. He’s painted the walls red on top with diamond plate down below, installed various lighting effects, and decorated with […]
You wouldn’t know it to look at Jim and Karyn’s garage, but it’s more than just a showplace. It’s a real working private garage. The only tell tale signs are […]