
Back Issues and the Garage Tour

Back Issues and the Garage Tour

In my bedroom, occupying two 7-foot-tall by 4-foot-wide bookshelves are old back issues of printed Garage Style Magazine.  While some issues are gone forever, I have a good majority of them.  When we moved to Texas, I was able to take a few of each issue I had, giving the rest to Bruce Spielbuehler of Garages Unlimited in Orange County, California to use as promotionals at shows and events he attended so they wouldn’t just be tossed and wasted.  It’s fun, and sometimes emotional, to look through the old back issues and see what’s been done.  If you’re missing any of the back issues, you can order them here Printed Edition – Garage Style Magazine

Meanwhile, many of you have asked about the 2024 Monterey Garage Tour, and I really appreciate the interest and excitement.  I was looking forward to assembling the Tour this year, but it’s just not going to happen.  But – a 2025 Tour is well underway.  So, hopefully we can all get together for that!  Here’s a little recap from 2019

I hope you enjoy this latest edition of the ‘magazine.’  A fun article about a Corvair collector from Issue #3, oh so long ago.  Have a great weekend, thanks for stopping by!

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One thought on “Back Issues and the Garage Tour

  • Jason Clark

    Looking forward to our paths crossing in Monterey this year Don but no GSM tour it was the highlight of Car Week! – J. Clark

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