Let’s face it – you wouldn’t be reading this publication if it didn’t deal with collecting cars, automobilia, and petroliana. It’s what we love, it’s what binds us together. A while back, we covered a stunning collection largely comprised of European Shell Oil products, ranging from toys to pens to blank credit cards to cans to service attendant hats and much more. All things told, there must be a million dollars’ worth of collectibles in that space. Interestingly, the collection was acquired over many, many years by a man whose business was overseeing the management of various hotels. His work took him to Europe several times a year, and during his downtime, he would scour swap meets and antique shops, he’d look through the newspaper classifieds and connect with various car clubs to see if there was anything going on, and where he could buy more stuff. He had a serious weakness for Shell Oil. His story is unique, as he was doing this well before the Internet came along – but today, things are very different. Pop online and the world is at your fingertips. It’s so much easier today to buy those needful things we can’t get enough of. Leading right into this, you’ll see below that Broad Arrow is bringing the world to us, or at least hosting a unique sale in the UK – the auction of a single-owner petroliana collection comprised of over 200 lots. It’s hugely tempting and I’m looking forward to becoming more of an international collector from my favorite chair. I hope you’ll join me and pick up a few unique pieces to spice up your own collection, or even start your collection.
Held exclusively online, Broad Arrow is bringing an astonishing, private petroliana collection to market from the UK. Bid from anywhere internet access is available, and if you happen to be in Newton Stewart, Scotland between 29 July and 2 August, the lots will be available for viewing by appointment. Learn more here, but the bottom line is simple – this should be an exceedingly exciting auction, thanks to some very unique and stunningly rare pieces.
Some of the interesting lots include this Shell Leadership in Lubrication oil can, which presents beautifully and would be a spectacular addition to any collection. Measuring 50x25x25cm, the sale estimate is for £100 – £200. For fans of Mr. Bib, this large Michelin Man figurine, known as Le Pneu Michelin, is estimated to bring between £2,000 – £3,000. Measuring 120x60x60cm, it’s a very unique item that could easily be a crown jewel of any collection. See it here. This sale also hosts a very unique opportunity to buy both the Esso Extra Motor Oil Girl and Boy – very few collectors have both, this opportunity is lightning in a bottle. Of the large scale, they measure 120x60x60cm each and are estimated to command between £1,700 – £2,500. See the boy here and the girl here.
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