I first attended the Antique Automobile Club of America’s Fall Meet, known as the Hershey Swap Meet, about 7-years ago. It was a great time, and I couldn’t wait to return. Finally, this year, I did. Whereas last time I ended up dragging home about five Mercedes-Benz grilles, this year I bought the chair I fell in love with 7-years ago, a gold metallic flake chair on a barber’s base. Back then, the chair was way out of my price range, but thanks for the careful, steady, constant negotiation with the seller by my friend the magician, David Ferst, the price fell to a more affordable range, and I loaded it up across the backseat of the Honda and drove it home to Dallas. And now it sits in a semi-vacant room in our new house, just setting the stage, setting the tone for things to come. I think Mrs. Weberg thinks it’s supposed to go in the garage, but we’ll see.
What I find so interesting about swap meets is all the cool stuff we never knew we needed. Where’s it going to go? Who knows, we’ll figure that out later. I didn’t know I couldn’t live without a gold metallic flake barber chair or a bunch of Mercedes-Benz grilles, but here I am, living much more completely now, thanks to those needful things. I recommend swap meets – while they’re more work than toddling around on the computer looking at page after page of things for sale on whatever-dot-com, you also get to meet the coolest people. I met a specialty car dealer among others and reunited with a whole flurry of old friends that I haven’t seen since forever. It was great. So, while the cooler months are coming, maybe poke around and see what swap meets are coming up and get out there and enjoy – snap up something completely useless that you can’t live without, make some new friends, run into some old ones. You’ll thank me later. I think.
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