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Salon Retromobile

February 5 - February 9

With the Salon Retromobile happening February 5-9, 2025, it’s exciting to note that the event will be expanding to the United States.  Called Retromobile USA, the second annual version of the show hosted at Expo Portes de Versailles will take place in conjunction with duPont REGISTRY Group to recreate the ambiance of the European event with a decidedly American flavor.  In the past, Retro, as it’s known, has brought together major manufacturers, collectors, sellers, auctions, restorers and more to create a remarkably unique, multi-faceted, multi-day event for motoring enthusiasts.  The location and dates of the American event have yet to be revealed.



February 5
February 9
Event Category:
Event Tags:


Expo Portes de Versailles
France + Google Map


duPont REGISTRY Group