Be sure to check out all of the curated items and listings from events like these in our Auctions section of GSM

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MECUM Harrisburg

Farm Show Complex 2300 N Cameron St, Harrisburg

Mecum's Harrisburg, Pennsylvania sale is always a fun event, and this year shows a lot of great vehicles and a sweet smattering of what Mecum calls Road Art, or as […]

Drive & Dine to Porschefest

Summit Point Raceway Summit Point

PCA Potomac - Drive & Dine to Porschefest: Registration Opens Sat., 6/29; Mid-Summer DE Tech Session: Sat., 6/29 (Note Venue Change)   Despite the hot, hot, hot DE Pitt Race this past […]

Tidewater Tango Road Rally

Please join the Washington DC Region, SCCA, for our 2024 Spring GTA Rally, "Tidewater Tango," on Saturday, July 27, 2024. Over the five-hour drive through the picturesque Tidewater region of […]

Manchester Skyline Drive

Manchester Skyline Drive Manchester

Join us for a fun half-day driving the mountains of New England with a group of Audi enthusiasts!