Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este Auction
Villa Erba Cernobbio, ItalyPartnering with BMW Group Classic, Broad Arrow will bring 70 exceptional cars for sale to Lake Como at the stunning Villa Erba during the magnifiscent Concorso Villa d’Este.
Partnering with BMW Group Classic, Broad Arrow will bring 70 exceptional cars for sale to Lake Como at the stunning Villa Erba during the magnifiscent Concorso Villa d’Este.
With a Grand Tour, a Concours de Sport, Waterfront Party, and full Concours d’Elegance, the Greenwich Concours is another exciting event not to be missed. Casually elegant, the Greenwich Concours began in 1996 celebrating all-things-automobile when Bruce and Genia Wennerstrom founded the event. Now considered one of the five top concours in the world, its […]
Held at the Oregon Sate Fairgrounds in Salem, Oregon, this auction will spend June 2-6 selling special interest vehicles, while June 7-8 will sustain vehicle sales, but include a memorabilia auction beginning at 10am.
A two-day event, this sale features over 600 cars on offer. Held at Expo Square, there are plenty of distractions when the auction is over.
This being the 93rd edition of the 24 Hours of Le Mans brings a return of manufacturers such as Aston Martin, Alpine, BMW, Cadillac, Ferrari, Porsche, Peugeot and Toyota and a host of drivers, many well-seasoned, some lesser known, but all giving it their all to win the world’s most famous race.
It’s sixth event at Bonmont Golf & Country Club, the venue is spectacular, overlooking Lac Leman and a stone’s throw from Geneva. Featuring a lovely assortment of roughly 30 special interest cars, a number of supercars and hypercars normally lead the charge. Held shortly after the world renowned 24 Hours of Le Mans, there is […]
Celebrating the Centenary 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2023 drew over 230,000 visitors. Created in 2002 by Peter Auto, in association with the Automobile Club de L’Ouest, Le Mans Classic offers a stunning retrospective of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Since its inception, Le Mans Classic has evolved to become one of the […]
An event organized by Vintage Underground, a restoration and build shop, the Emerald Invitational is a driving event showcasing 1974 and older European cars against Oregon’s spectacular scenery. Fueling an internship program, the multi-stop, multi-day tour should prove to be a fabulous time. Our hope is that it’s successful enough to inspire an annual tour, […]
A second event for RM Sotheby’s at this historic country house hotel, a number of very unique British cars have already been consigned, and more are expected.
A four-day event, the Florida Summer Special should be fantastic, with 1,500 cars consigned and the fabulous weather of Florida.
With a car show, a car corral, and a swap meet/flea market of 4,000 spaces, both indoor and outdoor, the Iola Car Show is not to be missed.
A gathering of some of the world’s rarest and most interesting vehicles, and of course embracing motorsports, the FoS is an event unlike any other.