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Latest Past Events


Tail of the Dragon US Hwy 129, Maryville

THIS IS A BMW ONLY EVENT!! FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT OUR DEDICATED EVENT WEBSITE: INCLUDED IN $199 REGISTRATION FEE ( 100 CAR LIMIT ) Over 600 miles of guided driving through the greatest roads in America Mvading the Dragon T-shirt Mvading the Dragon Windshield Banner Decal Unlimited access to photos taken of our cars […]


BMW: The Vintage

Hot Springs Resort and Spa Hot Springs

In mid-May each year, two BMW centric events are held in the Carolina’s; the opening of the new BMW Car Club of America Foundation Museum exhibit in Greer, South Carolina and “The Vintage” event celebrating pre-1990’s BMW’s in Hot Springs, North Carolina.  Both events attract BMW fans and owners from across the country. For More […]