When we launched Garage Style Magazine way back in 2008, it gained a lot of attention from some great people, all of whom wanted to contribute in some way. It was overwhelming and humbling to say the least. And now, here we are reinventing the concept digitally, and while a lot of the old guard is still around looking to help when and where they can, a whole new flock of contributors have stepped up to help this magazine become a digital force to be reckoned with. It’s really an exciting groove to be involved with, the reinvention of something that’s meant so much to so many.
So, unashamedly, I ask all of you to visit and check in with our sponsors, like Zymol, which has been advertising with a banner link on the right as well as a monthly special newsletter. And check out the new Garage Style Magazine website and visit often. Eric Monterastelli of Gran Touring Motorsports fame has been behind the scenes working up a whole new look and feel, bringing the website to life with new content every week. I also hope you will “forward” this newsletter every time you get it, or sign up your friends and family so they can receive it directly. Also, check out our social media presence and join us up there. I’m in hopes that this is all a worthwhile venture without the paper product, and believe it will be, otherwise, why keep going?
Enjoy this issue – little of this, a little of that!
Thanks for stopping by!