
Office, Garage, and Shop

Office, Garage, and Shop

Interestingly, this stunning garage was never published in the pages of the printed Garage Style Magazine.  Why, we have no idea – we remember shooting it and meeting the owner, and we were hugely impressed.  Situated in a well modified World War II Quonset hut in Southern California, the building is hidden away among more modern light industrial structures that afford it a lovely case of anonymity.  The owner operates his family construction business from the front end of the building, enjoying his collection in the back, along with a well-appointed shop, which allows him to restore, maintain, and build various cars, which are varied, but centered around racing and sports.  He’s even got a retired Bob Bondurant training vehicle, which are normally destroyed by the manufacturer for liability reasons.

The floors are painted and contrast well the open-beam ceiling with skylights. The walls are a simple white affair with framed art plastered along seemingly every available spot.  Parked at angles, the cars are ready to go in a moments notice.  Through the rear, the shop is kept organized and exhibits a certain hospital cleanliness.  During our visit, they were working on a custom boattail car that looked like something a wealthy 1930s playboy might drive.  Up front is another set of doors leading to the warmly decorated, well-appointed office and sitting area.  What more could anyone want?

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