
Organizing the Cords

Organizing the Cords

If you’re like most garage people, you’ve got extension cords. Possibly, a lot of them. I recently had a bit of a scare when I nearly tripped over my assortment of cords because they were laying haphazardly on the ground. Still in the process of organizing my garage and figuring out how to do it, the cords suddenly became a necessity to organize.

Hitting the World Wide Web, I found some nylon and Velcro organizers for sale through a little mom and pop known as Amazon. Oddly, the sale may have well come through a mom-and-pop store in the world’s biggest mall, I don’t know – but I bought a couple of these gems and when they arrived, I immediately went to work hanging them and coiling my cords and hanging them. It was simple, and because my garage is fairly small and storage is at an absolute premium, this worked perfectly – my garage doesn’t have room for the big ceiling coils or anything like that. But, this provided a much higher level of organization and was much better looking, and I’m much less likely to trip over them. So, here’s a solution to an age-old problem – forget cords laying on the shelves or floor or whatever – buy an organizer, hang ’em up.

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