Not only the garage, but the vehicles – Spring is here, the warmer temperatures are arriving, the sun is staying out longer, and it’s time to clean it all up so you can enjoy it during the Summer! I know we have been, cleaning and purging and straightening the house and doing some cool things to the garage, like installing a new mini-split, a process I’m looking forward to sharing with you here in the newsletter.
Speaking of cleaning, a lot of you have asked me if I actually use and like Zymol products considering all the advertising they do with Garage Style. Short answer is yes, I use Zymol and like their products. Some of you wondered if Zymol bought some interest in Garage Style, and no, it didn’t. They advertise with Garage Style because they see the value in you, the readers. They appreciate your dedication to Garage Style and your vehicles and think this is a good venue to present their products. I think they’re right, and I hope you are buying and trying Zymol. Three of my favorite products are the SiO2 Cleaner Wax, Auto Wash, and their Detailer spray – interestingly, in writing this piece, I see that Zymol is now marketing these three in a Starter Kit™ Wash and Shine made easy, which I thought was a terrific idea. Now, if you’re looking for a wax that’s a little more serious, my favorite is the classic Creame™ Wax – for Light Color Paint – it says “for light-colored paint,” but I’ve used it on white cars, black cars, and everything in between and never been let down. All that said, Zymol is offering their advice on how to properly wash and wax a car below – check it out, and visit their website for more information. ’Tis the season to get ready, right? Be ahead of the curve!
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