
Zymol Lifetime Wax Refills

Zymol Lifetime Wax Refills

Zymol Wax products have never been cheap, and in fact some are actually stunningly expensive.  But, according to Chuck Bennet, CEO and Founder of Zymol, even the more expensive products sell.

“Solaris is one of our most expensive products because of how it’s made, what it’s made of, the purity of the ingredients, and the container itself, which takes 26 weeks to build,” he said.  “Solaris costs over $62,000.”

Fortunately, though, the container is, indeed, a work of art, as stated on their website, and the product is refillable for life. Fortunately, again, Zymol also offers a number of other products that cost considerably less and offer lifetime refills.

“Zymol started very humbly,” said Chuck.  “The idea originated in Germany at a museum that had a few horsedrawn carriages on display.  The finish was extraordinary and I wondered how they kept it so clean, so shiny, so moist looking.  They took me to the maintenance area, where I was shown the product they use – it was absolutely disgusting, it was entirely organic and the base was lard.  The smell was awful, but the idea was simple – the oils from the various ingredients were what lubricated and protected the finishes of the carriages.  With that in mind, and a sample, I returned home and began working with a chemist to produce what would become the original Zymol Creame, which we still sell, the light blue wax.”

From there, the company has expanded into an entire portfolio of exclusive products to help enthusiasts maintain their vehicles.  Of them, Vintage™ Glaze, Royale™ Glaze, and Solaris Solaris™ are all refillable for life.  While none can rightly be considered inexpensive, when you think about the number of times you wax a car, when you have multiple cars, it might be a bargain over time.

“Each product we make is created in very small hand blend baches,” Chuck said.  “We don’t mass produce anything, and when it comes to our more exclusive lines, they are much more difficult to produce.  The ingredients can be very difficult and expensive to obtain, particularly because we don’t buy in bulk, and with the costs of everything going up in the past couple of years, it’s become a really difficult situation.”

But, refills are free on those three products.

“The Solaris is truly extraordinary,” he said.  “Yes, it’s very expensive, but again, it’s something a customer can display in their home if they wanted to.  But it’s useful art and the results it provides a vehicle finish are unbelievable.”

While the Solaris commands as much money as a mid-level Mercedes-Benz, the Vintage and Royale are much easier to justify.  But, there’s nothing wrong with any of the other products.

“The more expensive products use more expensive materials, that’s usually the bottom line,” Chuck said.  “Because of that, the Glazes tend to deliver not only better results, but longer lasting results.  But, any of our products will provide a great experience, and that’s what it’s all about.  It’s not about slaving away and dying while you polish up your car or truck or bike – it’s about taking a moment and enjoying the aroma of Zymol, experiencing how well it glides on and off a surface, and admiring the end result.  It’s about having a cigar or a glass of wine while enjoying some music in the garage and creating a little vacation in your garage.”

With that said, most people buy the original light blue formula, Concours, or Carbon.

“Always use HD Cleanse as a first step to prepare the surface, and you’ll love the results.”

If you’re unsure what Zymol might be your preferred brand, try the Sampler Kit™ – Limited Availability especially with the Holiday Specials.

Find more on Pure, Powerful, Perfect – Zymöl (

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