Be sure to check out all of the curated items and listings from events like these in our Auctions section of GSM

Salon Retromobile

Expo Portes de Versailles , France

With the Salon Retromobile happening February 5-9, 2025, it’s exciting to note that the event will be expanding to the United States.  Called Retromobile USA, the second annual version of the show hosted at Expo Portes de Versailles will take place in conjunction with duPont REGISTRY Group to recreate the ambiance of the European event […]

Richmond Advertising, Automobilia, and Petroliana Auction

TIME: Absentee bidding is open online. Live bidding starts at 10 AM Eastern on each day. PREVIEW: There is no preview for this auction. If you would like additional images of a specific lot, please contact us. ABSENTEE & PHONE BIDS: To place absentee bids or schedule a phone bid, please contact Heather at (864) 991-5949 ext. 1. […]